HolyCoast: Democrats Love the Lord -HALLELUJAH!
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Monday, October 30, 2006

Democrats Love the Lord -HALLELUJAH!

Democrat Harold Ford Jr., running a losing campaign for Senate in Tennessee, is trotting out language that no Republican could possibly get away with without being tarnished by the media as a complete nutjob. For instance, Ford has this quote from a Saturday afternoon meeting in Paris, TN (h/t Hot Air video here):
HAROLD FORD, JR.: My friend Lincoln Davis who chairs our campaign says there are, there’s one big difference between us and misfortunate Republicans when it comes to our faith: he said that Republicans fear the Lord; he said Democrats fear AND love the Lord.
And on Fox News Sunday, Ford responded to a Chris Wallace question this way:
WALLACE: Congressman, as we've said, you vote pretty conservative for a Democrat, but the fact is that if you win and if you're part of a Democratic takeover of the Senate, that means that Harry Reid…becomes the Senate majority leader, Ted Kennedy becomes a committee chair, so does Joe Biden. Doesn't a Ford victory as part of a Democratic takeover, doesn't that end up helping liberals?

FORD: What Tennesseans will get will be a Jesus-loving, gun- supporting believer that families should come first, that taxes should be lower and America should be strong. When Tennesseans send us to the Senate, that's what they'll get in my votes and that's what they'll get in the kind of leadership that we have not had in the Senate over the last six years.

Rep. Ford - Jesus loves you, but not enough to vote for you for Senate.

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