HolyCoast: More On (or Moron) Taxes to Stop Global Warming
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Monday, October 30, 2006

More On (or Moron) Taxes to Stop Global Warming

The Brits are planning to rush to the forefront of the effort to tax their citizens silly in the name of stopping global warming:
Secret plans for a multi-billion-pound package of stealth taxes on fuel, cars, air travel and consumer goods have been drawn up by the government to combat global warming.

The proposals, leaked to The Mail on Sunday, show that the Government is considering introducing a raft of hard-hitting 'eco-taxes' that will have a devastating effect on the cost of living.

Families with big cars could end up paying more than £1,000 a year extra in tax. And nearly every household in Britain will be hit in the pocket.

Most controversial of all, the documents reveal the Government is planning to grab billions of pounds of extra revenue from motorists - without telling them. It is considering introducing a special mechanism so that whenever oil prices go down, the Government would get the cash in extra fuel tax - not the motorist.
There was a previous post here about taxes on holiday travelers, and now it looks like there will be new taxes on just about everything. Global warming will be the new war on poverty or the war against tobacco. No one intends to solve the problem - they just plan to use it as an excuse to levy taxes, much of which are sure to go to programs that have nothing to do with the environment (except for making the government's environment much more flush with cash).

I really don't care that much what the Brits do, except that you can bet the Dems will be looking hard at this program as a model for what they will do if and when they take control of Congress.

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