HolyCoast: Jay Leno Accused of Bias
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Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Jay Leno Accused of Bias

The Phil Angelides' supporters are desperate to do whatever they can to try and lessen the upcoming slaughter, but this seems to be a stretch even for them:
A California congressman lodged a federal complaint Tuesday against "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno," for featuring Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger as a guest one month before the election while snubbing his Democratic opponent.

U.S. Rep. Xavier Becerra, D-Los Angeles, argues in a Federal Communications Commission complaint that the NBC program is violating the equal time provision of the Federal Communications Act.

Schwarzenegger is to appear Wednesday on the talk show.

His opponent, state Treasurer Phil Angelides, asked to appear on the show but had not received a response by Tuesday afternoon, said Steve Maviglio, a spokesman for Angelides' campaign.
Number one, Schwartzenegger is a long time friend of Leno, and number two, Angelides is boring as hell. Is it any wonder that Leno isn't excited about having Angelides on his show? The Tonight Show is an entertainment show, and if there's one thing that Angelides isn't, it's entertaining. Leno's supposed to keep people awake after 11:30, not make them wish they were dead.

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