HolyCoast: USS George H.W. Bush
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Sunday, October 08, 2006

USS George H.W. Bush

Last night as we were eating dinner in Seaport Village on San Diego Bay, I could look across the water and see the red, white and blue number 76 lighted up on the island of the USS Ronald Reagan, now the second newest fleet carrier in the Navy. The newest was christened yesterday:
Spraying the bubbles from sparkling wine across the enormous gray bow of the USS George H.W. Bush, the Bush family on Saturday christened the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier named after the 82-year-old former president.
"I know you join me in saying to our father, President Bush, your ship has come in," the current president said during a ceremony for the last of the Nimitz-class carriers, the CVN 77.

"She is unrelenting, she is unshakable, she is unyielding, she is unstoppable," Bush said, lauding the warship's state-of-the-art design before pausing for a punch line aimed at his mother's well-known steely constitution. "As a matter of fact, probably should have been named the Barbara Bush."

The elder Bush, a decorated Navy pilot in World War II, joined the armed forces on his 18th birthday, June 12, 1942. "After our nation was attacked at Pearl Harbor, you simply couldn't find anyone who wasn't anxious to sign up," he told the audience as a heavy rain fell.

"The point is that our nation was totally united against the insidious totalitarian threat against freedom," he said. He added, "In my humble view, we were no greater than the kids that serve today."
That's got to be pretty cool to join a group of ships named after Reagan, Abraham Lincoln and George Washington.

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