HolyCoast: Dems Preemptive Strikes Against a Loss on Tuesday
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Monday, November 06, 2006

Dems Preemptive Strikes Against a Loss on Tuesday

If the election goes as I predicted, and Dem heads will be popping all over the country, and Michelle Malkin notes that there's already some preemptive delegitimization of the election going on:

Michael Graham nails the Democrats' strategy of undermining the election results before they're tallied:"Either we win, or you cheated!"

Nancy Pelosi's doing it, too.

And left-wing groups are threatening to create legal havoc by demanding deadline extensions for absentee ballots.

Notice in all their pot-stirring about voting fraud that they have absolutely nothing to say about the left-wing Acorn voter fraud indictments or absentee ballot fraud or illegal alien voter fraud?

Guess they consider that "good" cheating.

The lawsuits will be flying.

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