HolyCoast: Kerry Compounds His Problems
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Saturday, November 04, 2006

Kerry Compounds His Problems

You'd think that the Boston Boob would have learned to just shut up after he got his ears boxed following his remarks on Monday night, his "apologize to no one" written and spoken statements on Tuesday, and his non-apology apology on Wednesday. But noooooooo, Kerry has decided to run an editorial from the Seattle Post-Intelligencer (dumb as a post and not that intelligent) on his official website that begins like this:
Republicans evidenced their election desperation by braying about an offhand comment that Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., made at a California college rally.

"Education" Kerry said "-- if you make the most of it and you study hard and you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."

Was Kerry making fun of the president, or warning students against the pitfalls awaiting the undereducated in general?

It doesn't matter. Kerry was right either way.

The emphasis on that last statement is mine. Kerry didn't write it, but it certainly would be reasonable to suggest that because he put it on his site, he agrees with it. Nothing like giving another kick-start to the controversy. That'll give the talking heads something to discuss this weekend instead of hitting all the Dem talking points.

It's clear now that the website "apology" that was posted on Wednesday was simply a political calculation designed to get the press off his back. He didn't mean it for a second. With this latest unapology, it's almost like the guy is trying to sabotage the Dem's chances of victory.

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