HolyCoast: Kerry Headed Back to Washington
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Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Kerry Headed Back to Washington

Sadly, John Kerry has done the first smart thing in three days and has withdrawn from making campaign appearances for Democrats around the country. On Imus this morning, he said this:
"I'm coming back to Washington today so that I'm not a distraction, because I don't want to be a distraction to these campaigns."
Kerry's own stubborness brought this on. Had he not lashed out at his critics with a hysterical written statement and an indignant press conference in which he vowed to "apologize to no one", he might have been able to stop the controversy in its tracks. Instead, he made himself radioactive and potentially deadly to Dem candidates in tough races.

I didn't think his superb intellect would allow him to see the danger he was causing, and was really hoping he'd stay on the campaign trail. His disappearance from public view may lesson the damage to some degree, but the fact he still has not made even the slightest apology toward those he offended will continue to get play all week in the blogosphere and talk radio. He won't get away with it that easy.

UPDATE: As I suspected Kerry's ego won't let him stay off TV even though he's pulled out of campaign events. According to CNN.com he will be appearing on CNN this afternoon. I fully expect him to throw more gasoline on the fire.

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