HolyCoast: Dems Fleeing From Kerry
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Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Dems Fleeing From Kerry

The first Democrat, reading the tea leaves and sensing the blowback from Kerry's anti-military comments, has canceled a Kerry campaign appearance:
DES MOINES, Iowa A Democratic Congressional candidate from Iowa is canceling a campaign event later this week with Senator John Kerry.

Brucy Braley says Kerry's recent comments about the Iraq war were inappropriate.

Braley is running against Republican Mike Whalen in Iowa's First District congressional race. It's a contest considered to be one of the most competitive House races in the country.

Braley's decision to distance himself from Kerry came as a furor grew from comments Kerry made about the Iraq War during a campaign stop in California on Monday.
Will there be more? Kerry campaigns in Minnesota and Pennsylvania today where there are close races. Will he hurt or help? My guess is that in each case the Dem candidates would love to send him elsewhere, but it's probably too late to do anything now. Their campaign appearances will be media frenzies, but not in regards to their candidacies, but in regards to Kerry's comments. It will probably negate whatever beneficial effects the Kerry appearance might otherwise have had.

UPDATE: The Freepers are saying that Fox News Channel has announced that all of John Kerry's appearances for today have been canceled. Can a check-in to rehab be far behind? And how appropriate is it that Nov. 1 is the Day of the Dead (career).

Kerry has suddenly become radioactive and has to cut-and-run from the '06 campaign. He might want to go ahead and cancel those appearances in Iowa and New Hampshire while he's at it.

UPDATE 2: The Dems may try an emergency shuttle mission to get Kerry off the planet.

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