HolyCoast: Legislation You Can Look Forward To
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Monday, November 06, 2006

Legislation You Can Look Forward To

Stephen Moore writing in Political Diary reminds us of some of the legislation that was proposed by Democrats in 2005 and 2006, and that would sure be resurrected in a Dem-led House:

But watch what they do, not what they say. Rep. Mike Pence of Indiana and his staff at the Republican Study Committee have compiled a list of wacko legislation that top congressional Democrats sponsored in 2005 and 2006 -- and it's an eye-opening read. Here are some of the greatest hits from House members of the would-be-majority party:

-The Anti-Bullying Campaign Act (Nadler, D-NY) H.R. 3787. Creates a new federal grant program aimed at reducing bullying in public schools "based on any distinguishing characteristic of an individual." [No doubt federal sensitivity training classes are next for the violators.]

-Medicare and Medicaid Programs of Incontinence Undergarments (Frank, D-MA) H.R. 1052. Makes adult diapers a covered item under Medicare and Medicaid. [It's an outrage that adult Pampers aren't already covered.]

-Gas Stamp Act (McDermott, D-WA) H.R. 3712. Creates billions of dollars in gas stamps each year for people to get free gas, to be distributed to those already eligible for food stamps. [We're still waiting for Xbox 360 Stamps.]

-Ex-Offenders Voting Rights Act (Rangel, D-NY) H.R. 663. Allows those convicts who are just out of prison to vote. [Democrats have a well-founded suspicion that their party would score the lion's share of the ex-prison vote.]

-Department of Peace and Nonviolence Act (Kucinich, D-OH) H.R. 3760. Establishes a U.S. Department of Peace and Nonviolence, as well as a Peace Day. The department would promote "human rights, international conflict prevention, nonviolent intervention, structured mediation, and peaceful conflict resolution." [What else would we expect from Mr. Kucinich? This could be the theme for his '08 presidential run.]

-End the War in Iraq Act (McGovern, D-MA) H.R. 4232. Defunds the War in Iraq, forcing immediate troop withdrawal. [Exactly the cut-and-run strategy that leading Democrats say they have no dream of imposing.]

-Public Interest Lawyer Assistance Relief Act (Andrews, D-NJ) H.R. 1753. Forgives the law school debt for attorneys working for tax-exempt organizations or the government. [Why don't they just waive all tuition for self-identified liberals?]

-Medicare for All Act (Dingell, D-MI) H.R. 4683. Increases taxes on workers and employers in order to offer to citizens or legal residents of any age Medicare benefits equivalent to the health care plans federal employees receive. [After all, socialized medicine has worked so well in Canada.]

There's a lot more, including half a dozen constitutional amendments guaranteeing every American a job, a "livable wage," health care, a high-quality education, affordable housing, and full employment. Call it to the new and improved Bill of Rights. Republicans have cosponsored some of these dingbat ideas, so the GOP is hardly blameless. But if the Democrats are a new moderate bunch, Messrs. Nadler, Kucinich, Rangel and McGovern never got the memo.

I'm sure that's only the tip of the wacky iceberg.

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