HolyCoast: Saddam Guilty - Will Evangelicals Stay Home on Tuesday?
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Sunday, November 05, 2006

Saddam Guilty - Will Evangelicals Stay Home on Tuesday?

You're probably going "say what??" What has evangelical voters have to do with Saddam? Absolutely nothing, but for the last month every story that has come up, from Foleygate to Ted Haggards methcapades has included a question about how it would affect evangelical voters. I thought I'd get ahead of the curve and ask the question before anyone else. It makes as much sense as the suggestion that Ted Haggard's sex romps would depress the evangelical turnout.

Back to Saddam - depending on his appeals, they'll be fitting him for a new necktie:
BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) -- Saddam Hussein was convicted and sentenced Sunday to hang for crimes against humanity in the 1982 killings of 148 people in a single Shiite town, as the ousted leader, trembling and defiant, shouted "God is great!"

As he, his half brother and another senior official in his regime were convicted and sentenced to death by the Iraqi High Tribunal, Saddam yelled out, "Long live the people and death to their enemies. Long live the glorious nation, and death to its enemies!" Later, his lawyer said the former dictator had called on Iraqis to reject sectarian violence and refrain from revenge against U.S. forces.
Anti-American attorney Ramsey Clark didn't last long in today's hearing:
Before the session began, one of Saddam's lawyers, former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark, was ejected from the courtroom after handing the judge a memorandum in which he called the trial a travesty.

Chief Judge Raouf Abdul-Rahman pointed to Clark and said in English, "Get out."

I hope when Clark tries to reenter the U.S., the custom's official says the same thing.

As an aside, as I'm writing this I'm watching a most improbable sight - Dan Rather being interviewed live on FoxNews. He's even sitting in the Fox NY studio. Rather used to be very critical of Fox, but now that nobody at CBS will not talk to him, I guess he's got to make some new friends.

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