HolyCoast: What to Expect Today
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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

What to Expect Today

There will be lots of rumors and who knows what else floating around today before the polls close and real news starts getting out. Here's one thing you'll be guaranteed to hear:
"Turnout is heavy in Democratic areas."
Guaranteed, because without early exit polls, that's the only tool the Dems have to depress the GOP vote.

I fully expect there will be rumors of exit poll information, even though there's supposed to be a lid on that stuff. I wouldn't believe anything much that you hear during the day. (The GOP has more information on the Dem bias inherent in exit polls here.)

John Fund has an hour-by-hour recap of when polls will start closing and when you can start expecting to hear results. His article an be found here.

The dirtiest of the dirty campaign ads will also be rolled out today. I just saw what has to be the most shameless and disgusting ad of the campaign. The Dem candidate for Lt. Governor has an ad up today which features a 20 something guy, a 30 something woman and a little girl. The guy tells us that he's going to be in an accident and paralyzed for life, the woman says that in 20 years she'll get Alzheimer's and won't recognize her own family, and the little girl tells us she'll get diabetes. I'll bet you know what's coming next.

Correct, it's all about stem cell research. The ad actually claims that because Republican Tom McClintock voted against embryonic stem cell research, none of these people will be healed. The little girl in the ad actually says "why does Tom McClintock get to decide who lives or dies?" Absolutely disgusting.

Californians - go vote and vote for GOP candidates. The Dems don't deserve any success.

The Official HolyCoast Election Predictions can be found here.

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