HolyCoast: Edwards Has the Wrong Message
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Saturday, December 30, 2006

Edwards Has the Wrong Message

Larry Kudlow writes today at RealClearPolitics.com about John Edwards entrance into the '08 presidential field:
So, John Edwards has thrown his hat into the presidential ring.

Unfortunately, he has a losing message.

His ultra-liberal approach will elicit only a small niche of support among the ultra lefties in the Democratic Party.

Democrats know (or at least, I think they know) that their success in the 2006 midterm election was largely a function of their best efforts to imitate Republicans. It was the conservative Blue Dog Democrats who were the tail successfully wagging the entire Democratic dog.

That said, if John Edwards somehow managed to reverse this tide and win his party's nomination, he would lead his party to a crushing defeat in 2008.
Edwards' "Two Americas" stump speech may be very popular with the "we hate America" crowd on the left, but it certainly doesn't reflect reality in America and paints an image unworthy of an American president. As a multi-millionaire trial lawyer who just sold his Georgetown townhome for $5.2 million, he hardly represents the poor and downtrodden among us, though he thinks throwing a few shovelfulls of dirt in New Orleans will make him a champion of the people.

He's all image and fluff and no real substance, and hasn't a chance in a field that will be dominated with much bigger personalities.

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