HolyCoast: Saddam Gone
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Friday, December 29, 2006

Saddam Gone

The Iraqis carried out the execution of Saddam Hussein:
BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - Saddam Hussein, the shotgun-waving dictator who ruled Iraq with a remorseless brutality for a quarter-century and was driven from power by a U.S.-led war that left his country in shambles, was taken to the gallows clutching a Quran and hanged Saturday.

In Baghdad's Shiite enclave of Sadr City, people danced in the streets while others fired guns in the air to celebrate the former dictator's death. The government did not impose a round-the-clock curfew as it did last month when Saddam was convicted to thwart any surge in retaliatory violence.

To paraphrase Patrick Henry, I regret that Saddam had only one life to give for his crimes. If there's any real justice, he'll spend eternity being given the same treatment he gave so many others.

Say what you want about the current state of affairs in Iraq, but you have to appreciate their justice system when it comes to capital cases. If we had a system like that we wouldn't be worrying if the guy who has been on death row for 27 years felt a little pain when he was poked with the needle on the executioner's gurney.

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