HolyCoast: Expanding the Purpose Driven Brand
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Saturday, December 02, 2006

Expanding the Purpose Driven Brand

With the new partnership between Barack Obama and Rick Warren, Scott Ott at Scrappleface sees some new marketing opportunities for the Purpose Driven brand:
Obama, Rick Warren Promote Purpose-Driven Condom
By Scott Ott on Theology

(2006-12-02) — After inviting Sen. Barack Obama to his California megachurch to talk about how to
fight AIDS, best-selling author and Southern Baptist Pastor Rick Warren today announced he and the pro-choice senator from Illinois would team up to promote “the ultimate solution to the deadly sexually-transmitted disease.”

Starting in January, the senator and the pastor will appear in a series of TV commercials for 40 days and 40 nights touting the benefits of the new “
Purpose-Driven Condom”.

“I got the idea from my brother, Barack,” said Mr. Warren. “He convinced me that we should be more realistic about our approach to teaching marital fidelity and sexual purity. The Purpose-Driven Condom is designed as a kind of first base on the diamond of morality.”

Each Purpose-Driven Condom is sealed in a package emblazoned with a Bible verse, and includes a brief devotional lesson from Pastor Warren “encouraging the fornicating person to consider that he was created for greater things than fleeting sexual relationships.”

Sen. Obama will introduce a bill to fund global distribution of billions of the “spiritual prophylactics.” The bill would also increase funding to Planned Parenthood to provide “abortions of grace” to those who neglect to employ the birth control measure.

The new Democrat majority in Congress will pass the measure, Sen. Obama said, “to demonstrate that Democrats are religious too.”

“Just because church and state are separated,” he said, “doesn’t mean that they can’t have an intimate, meaningful relationship.”

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