HolyCoast: Anti-Tax Crusader Seeking Confrontation
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Saturday, January 20, 2007

Anti-Tax Crusader Seeking Confrontation

I'm guessing this guy wants a Ruby Ridge style shootout with the Feds:
CONCORD, N.H. (AP) - A former militia man convicted of tax evasion prepared for a government siege Friday at his fortress-like home, but U.S. marshals gave no indication they were planning to confront him.

Ed Brown said he was ready for a swarm of federal agents to descend on his property to execute an arrest warrant issued after he failed to appear for the end of his trial. He and his wife contend that they did not have to pay income taxes, and his supporters say a conflict could be violent.

"If Mexico came up on my land and tried to take my land, would I not fight?" Brown said. "The United States is the same exact thing as Mexico in this state."

Brown, 63, and his wife, Elaine, 65, were convicted Thursday of plotting to conceal their income and avoid paying federal income tax. They argued the tax is illegitimate and they are not required to pay it.

U.S. marshals said negotiations with Brown continue and they have no plans to attack Brown's Plainfield home or act quickly on the arrest warrant. He has been holed up in his home with armed supporters for much of the trial.

"He wants attention. We're determined to keep this very low-profile," U.S. Marshal Stephen Monier said.

Brown said he has a stock of food and supplies and that his home can run on wind and solar generators.

"It's all set up for me to stay here forever," Brown said by phone.

I'm no fan of taxes either, but it's foolish to think you can come up with some sort of legal reasoning that will overwhelm the government's desire to take your money, and playing cops and robbers with them isn't going to work either. The Feds won't go away and this guy will eventually be run out of there, regardless of how carefully he thinks he's planned for this.

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