HolyCoast: Hillary's Camp Plays the Muslim Card on Obama
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Saturday, January 20, 2007

Hillary's Camp Plays the Muslim Card on Obama

It's no secret that the Hillary Clinton for Prez camp is not happy with the sudden emergence of Barack Obama as a major player. This was supposed to be her big victory tour and the upstart senator from Illinois is messing that up. So, given the history of the politics of personal destruction that the Clintons are so famous for, this report on Obama, apparently leaked by sources loyal to Clinton, appeared just as the Obama star was rising:
As Senator Barack Hussein Obama enjoys superstar status within the news media, a background check of the 45-year old Illinois Democrat revealed that he was a student in a Muslim madrassa in Indonesia and that he was raised by his stepfather as a Muslim.

While his defenders are calling this an attack based on fear-mongering, there are those who believe this is troubling news since Obama never mentioned this information in his book.

"It's not about Obama being Muslim that concerns me. It's the fact that he's been deceptive about his religious and educational background," says political strategist Mike Baker.

Most madrassas are funded by Saudi Arabia and are known to teach a radical form of Islam known as Wahhabism.

According to Democrat Party sources, Obama spent at least four years studying at the Indonesian madrassa.

While there are several stories about this latest Senator Obama revelation, many inside the Beltway believe the story came from Senator Hillary Clinton's supporters in order to take the wind out of the sails of Obama's fledgling presidential run.
Note the useage of Obama's middle name in the beginning of the report. You can bet they'll throw "Hussein" in there every chance they get to remind folks of Obama's Muslim background.
This is just the beginning for poor old Barack. By the time the Clinton forces are done with him he won't even be recognizable.

In other Hill news, she had this to say about Bush:
The Bush administration refuses to talk to Iran and Syria because they "won't talk to bad people," Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, just back from a trip to Iraq, told Fox's Greta Van Susteren.

There's your '08 campaign slogan: Elect Hillary - She'll Talk to Bad People.

And taking a cue from Obama, she has announced her exploratory committee on the web. How original.

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