HolyCoast: Capitol Hill's Old Fogey Club
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Friday, January 19, 2007

Capitol Hill's Old Fogey Club

With a bunch of gray hairs running for president in '08, Michael Medved brings us some statistics about the current average age in Congress (from Political Diary):
"Voters tell pollsters that they crave a fresh start in Washington, with new ideas and, presumably, younger, more energetic leadership. Instead, what they've got is the most elderly Congress and one of the oldest crops of presidential candidates in history. No wonder so many members of the younger generation feel disenchanted with the political process! According to the Congressional Research Service, the average age for senators just went up by nearly two years to 61.7. House members also got grayer -- reaching an average age of 55.9 (for a job that's open to all citizens 25 and older)" -- radio talk show host Michael Medved, writing in USA Today.

This is just another of a series of problems for John McCain, who would be the oldest president ever elected should he win (but he won't).

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