HolyCoast: Dems Want the "ic"
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Thursday, January 25, 2007

Dems Want the "ic"

Of all the things to get upset about, some Democrats are peeved at Bush for what they see as a deliberate insult (from Political Wire):

Washington Wire notes that in the prepared text of President Bush's State of the Union address, "sent out by the White House some 40 minutes before Bush ascended the House rostrum, the president was to say, 'Some in this Chamber are new to the House and Senate -- and I congratulate the Democratic majority.' When Bush delivered the line, however, he paid tribute to the 'Democrat majority.'"

"Dropping the 'ic' from the word 'Democratic' may seem insignificant, but it was almost certainly a deliberate move by Bush, who has used the phrase 'the Democrat Party' for months as a way of needling his opponents."

Writing in the New Yorker a few months ago, Hendrick Hertzberg explains: "There's no great mystery about the motives behind this deliberate misnaming. 'Democrat Party' is a slur, or intended to be -- a handy way to express contempt."

If it's any help, Democrats make me go "ick!".

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