HolyCoast: Michael J Fox Will Attend State of the Union
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Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Michael J Fox Will Attend State of the Union

This will be interesting:
Michael J. Fox, whose advocacy ads created a stir in last fall's elections, will attend President Bush's State of the Union address next week as a guest of Rhode Island Rep. Jim Langevin.

Both are staunch supporters of embryonic stem-cell research.

Fox, 45, suffers from Parkinson's disease. As the 2006 elections neared, he appeared in television campaign ads for political candidates who support the research.

So how will Michael appear? Will he show up in the over-medicated state he was in when he made his famous shaky campaign ads, or will he show up in the much calmer state that he appears in when he's not trying to make a political statement? You know the cameras will focus on him from time to time, so it might be worth his while to "amp up" a bit for the cameras.

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