HolyCoast: Rangel Revolts Against Pelosi
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Friday, January 12, 2007

Rangel Revolts Against Pelosi

San Fran Nan is having a little trouble keeping her minions in line. She's trying to ramrod all kinds of legislation through during the magic "first 100 hours", but not all of her committee chairmen are cooperating:

WASHINGTON - Powerhouse New York Rep. Charles Rangel is butting heads with fellow Democrat Nancy Pelosi just a week into the new Congress controlled by their party, The Post has learned.

Rangel yesterday swatted down a tax hike that Pelosi has floated, and he made an end run around her decision to bypass House committees in a rush to bring bills to a vote.

"There's a lot of tension there," one Democratic lawmaker said of the relationship between Rangel and Pelosi.

Rangel, who took over the powerful Ways and Means Committee after 36 years in Congress, smacked down the idea Pelosi raised on Sunday of repealing tax cuts for those earning more than $500,000 per year.

By calling out Pelosi, Rangel, a liberal firebrand himself, has emerged as the first old-school committee "baron" with the political juice to spar with the ascendant speaker.

Rangel is going to get as much mileage from his committee chairmanship as he can, and he's not going to allow some twit with a permanent surprised look on her face to get in his way.

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