HolyCoast: Nifong Tries to Dump His Problems in State's Lap
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Friday, January 12, 2007

Nifong Tries to Dump His Problems in State's Lap

Durham County D.A. Mike Nifong (of the infamous Duke "rape" case) has had enough. Rather than dismissing his spurious case and being done with it, he's trying to bail out and dump the case in the lap of the State Attorney General:
Jan. 12, 2007— District Attorney Mike Nifong has requested that he have himself removed from prosecuting the Duke Lacrosse rape investigation, ABC News has learned.

A source close to the investigation said Nifong sent a letter to North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper asking his office to assume responsibility of the case.Calls to the Attorney General's office and Mike Nifong's office were not yet returned.

If the state is smart they'll tell him they're not interested. Why should they take on the headache he created?

In other news, the mother of one of the "suspects" had this to say about Nifong:
When asked what they would say to Nifong if he were in the room, Rae Evans, the mother of indicted player David Evans, says, "I would say with a smile on my face, 'Mr. Nifong, you've picked on the wrong families … and you will pay every day for the rest of your life.'"

You betcha.

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