HolyCoast: Dodd a Dud In His Home State
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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Dodd a Dud In His Home State

Political Wire does not have good news for Connecticut Senator Chris Dodd's presidential hopes:
The Hartford Courant: "There's good news for Chris Dodd's underdog presidential campaign. A new poll shows him at 8 percent -- well above the 1 percent or less he's been getting in most national surveys. But it's also not such good news. The 8 percent is what he gets in Connecticut, the state where he won re-election in 2004 with 66 percent of the vote."

A new Quinnipiac poll finds Dodd fourth among White House contenders, behind Sen. Hillary Clinton at 33%, Sen. Barack Obama at 21% and Al Gore at 9%.

Even worse for Dodd: Gore insists he's not running.
I'll bet if Lieberman was running he'd poll more than 8% in Connecticut.

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