HolyCoast: Romney Moving to the Right on Guns
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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Romney Moving to the Right on Guns

I thought this was a curious paragraph a the start of a Boston Globe story on Mitt Romney:
Mitt Romney, who has touted his support of gun owners since launching his presidential campaign, yesterday acknowledged he did not become a member of the National Rifle Association until last August, campaign officials said.

My question is, when did it become a requirement to have an NRA card if you support gun owner rights? The Globe reports his membership as though it's some sort of scandal that he claims to support gun owners but only recently joined the NRA. I support gun owner's rights, and am a gun owner myself, but I've never joined the NRA nor have any plans to do so. I have nothing against the NRA - it's just not a priority of mine.

I think Mitt's membership has more to do with gaining a hoped for endorsement than having an real heartfelt love for gun rights. In the past he was an advocate of strict gun control, but that won't get you any love from the NRA.

There seems to be a lot of moving to the right among GOP candidates these days.

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