HolyCoast: "Live Noise" Concerts for Global Warming
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Friday, February 09, 2007

"Live Noise" Concerts for Global Warming

That Al Gore sure gets around (in his carbon-spewing private jet). Now he plans to announce concerts this summer that will do for global warming what the "Live Aid" concerts in the 80's did for famine:
A series of concerts "bigger than Live Aid" is being planned for July, in a bid to put the subject of climate change before an audience of a global audience of 2bn.

The event, scheduled for July 7, will feature co-ordinated film, music and television events in seven cities including London, Washington DC, Shanghai, Rio de Janeiro, Cape Town and Kyoto, with major broadcasters and media owners aiming to extend the reach of public awareness of global warming.

It is understood that former US vice-president Al Gore, whose movie An Inconvenient Truth brought climate change to cinema audiences last year, will announce the event tomorrow in London.

The organisers hope to involve up to 2.5m people in events and link-ups at the cities involved, as well as other locations.

They are promising a line-up of artists to "dwarf" that of the Live8 and Live Aid concerts, thought to be branded under the name "SOS".

What a great idea! After all, thanks to Live Aid, there's no more famine in the world. The rock stars warbled it away. I'm sure by the time the "Live Noise" concerts end, the earth's temperature will have dropped a few degrees.

Either that or the collective IQ will drop a few points.

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