HolyCoast: Violent Clashes at the Temple Mount
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Friday, February 09, 2007

Violent Clashes at the Temple Mount

The clash of cultures and religions is heating up on the Temple Mount in Israel:
JERUSALEM (AP) - Israeli police stormed Islam's third holiest shrine Friday after hundreds of angry Islamic worshippers threw stones and bottles in an eruption of outrage over contentious Israeli renovation work at a disputed Old City holy site.

About 200 police streamed on to the hilltop compound known to Muslims as the Noble Sanctuary and to Jews as the Temple Mount, to try to quell the violence, police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said. Witnesses said police hurled stun grenades.

Police said several protesters and several officers were injured in the faceoff, but gave no further details.

As many as 300 protesters barricaded themselves inside the Al-Aqsa mosque at the compound. Police were stationed near the mosque, but did not enter it.

The protesters are angry about Israeli repair work on an earthen ramp leading to the hilltop compound, which they fear will damage the mosque.

The clashes erupted at the end of Friday prayers at the site. Police had braced for possible riots during the prayers, which often have been a flashpoint for clashes.
I'm sure that if the Israelis could "accidentally" knock down the Al-Aqsa mosque, they'd gladly do it. They can't get on with rebuilding the temple until the mosque is gone.

Meanwhile, police have to worry about riots following the Friday prayers for the "Religion of Peace". Something's wrong with that picture.

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