HolyCoast: Salt Lake Shooter Looks More Like Disturbed Kid Than Jihadist
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Friday, February 16, 2007

Salt Lake Shooter Looks More Like Disturbed Kid Than Jihadist

The juvenile criminal history of the Salt Lake City shooter was leaked to the press, and it looks to me like he was more likely just a badly disturbed kid than a junior jihadist:
At age 12, Talovic was before a judge for allegedly holding a knife over the head of girl while stating, “I’ll kill you,” according to a source who is familiar with the case.

Two years earlier, Talovic was referred to juvenile court for throwing rocks at a little girl.

About the same time, he threatened his parents’ landlord with a knife. ...

The first girl was not struck by the stones. And the mother of the second girl snatched her up in the nick of time, just as Talovic took a swipe with the blade, according to the source, who has seen court documents relating to the case. ...

Talovic was also referred to court for stealing fireworks from a Smith’s grocery store on June 22, 2001.

On July 9, 2001, Talovic admitted the shoplifting crime, and it was the last time he appeared in juvenile court, according to the source, quoting court records.
It doesn't make me feel any better about this, but at least it probably wasn't part of some grand overall plan.

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