HolyCoast: Hating the New Version of Blogger Right Now
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Friday, February 16, 2007

Hating the New Version of Blogger Right Now

This has been the week for computer snafus and software problems. The laptop that I use when I'm sitting in my TV chair (and from which most of the posts at this site are written) took a dive last week, and I had to go through all kinds of machinations to get it working again. In the process, all my cookies were lost, so while trying to set everything up again last night, I found out that Blogger was going to finally force me to move to their new "improved" service. You don't see any difference as you view the site, but there are new ways for me to log on and prepare the posts.

I purposely held off in moving to the new Blogger because I'd heard about some problems from others. After making the switch, everything worked fine so I figured they'd gotten all the bugs out. Heh.

This morning I went to use the downstairs computer, and lo an behold, despite numerous log on attempts, it wouldn't sign me on. I finally had to come back upstairs, sit in the dark while my wife is still sleeping, and work on the only computer in the house that will talk to Blogger right now. There's no way to contact anyone for help - the website is a mess of circular links that don't give you any way to actually write or call anyone. I'm not happy.

If the posting is a little light for a day or so, that's why. I'm still busy trying to fix this mess.

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