HolyCoast: The Taming of the Shrews
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Thursday, February 08, 2007

The Taming of the Shrews

Despite a furor in the blogosphere and the press over his new campaign bloggers, John Edwards is sticking with them:
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Saying he believes in "giving everyone a fair shake," former Sen. John Edwards indicated Thursday he would not fire two of his campaign's bloggers, despite calls from a Catholic group that they be dismissed for blog entries the group viewed as anti-Catholic.

"The tone and the sentiment of some of Amanda Marcotte's and Melissa McEwen's posts personally offended me," Edwards, referring to the two bloggers, said in a statement. "It's not how I talk to people, and it's not how I expect the people who work for me to talk to people."

"But I also believe in giving everyone a fair shake," Edwards added. "I've talked to Amanda and Melissa; they have both assured me that it was never their intention to malign anyone's faith, and I take them at their word."

You, Senator, are an idiot. Of course they meant to malign other people's faith - that's what they do. It's pretty clear that Edwards was more afraid of the blowback coming from the wacky left if he fired the shrews than he was of bad relations with Catholics and others. Even the religious left is unhappy with Edwards campaign.

Now whether Edwards will be able to tame the shrews and keep them from further embarrassing his campaign is yet to be seen. I'm not counting on it.

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