HolyCoast: 33 Killed, More Wounded, in "Gun-Free Zone"
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Monday, April 16, 2007

33 Killed, More Wounded, in "Gun-Free Zone"

It looks like the bad guy didn't get the memo about Virginia Tech being a "gun-free zone":
At least 32 (now 33-ed.) people are confirmed dead and at least another 21 are wounded after a shooting at Virginia Tech University Monday morning, federal law enforcement officials told FOX News.

Campus police said there was only one shooter and he is now dead. They are unsure if the shooter was a student and it was unclear if he was shot by police or took his own life.

There's more on the story here. This is now the worst mass shooting in U.S. history. Our prayers go out to the victims and their families.

And from Instapundit:
And reader John Lucas, who works with a Virginia law firm, emails that Va. Tech is a "gun-free zone." Well, for those who follow the law. There was an effort to change that but it failed: "A bill that would have given college students and employees the right to carry handguns on campus died with nary a shot being fired in the General Assembly." That's unfortunate.
I wonder if they'll revisit that bill, or if the libs will somehow say the campus is safer without law abiding citizens carrying weapons.

Any guesses on who will be the first presidential candidate to show up at Virginia Tech? And if a Democrat, will they call for more gun control? One of the first questions from the White House press corps had to do with gun control, so you know that's going to be the playbook for a lot of people.

For some perspective on when tragedies strike innocent people, check out Mark Daniel's blog.

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