HolyCoast: Another Miss America Crime Fighter
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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Another Miss America Crime Fighter

First we had the 82 year old former Miss America using the business end of her .38 caliber snubnose revolver to stop thieves on her property, and now we have the current Miss America nabbing some child sexual predators:
Miss America can add crime fighter to her resume.

Lauren Nelson recently went undercover with police in New York for a sting targeting sexual predators.

Officers with Suffolk County's computer crimes unit created an online profile of a 14-year-old girl that included photographs of Nelson as a teenager.

"I got to chat online with the predators and made phone calls, too," Nelson said by phone from Atlantic City, N.J. "The Suffolk County Police Department was there the whole time."

The operation was filmed for a segment of "America's Most Wanted" that will air Saturday on FOX. Police spokesman Tim Motz said the operation was ongoing and declined to comment Tuesday evening.
Can you imagine the embarrassment of explaining to your fellow inmates that you got caught by Miss America?

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