HolyCoast: Baldwin's Breakdown Continues
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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Baldwin's Breakdown Continues

I didn't post anything on the now famous Alec Baldwin phone tirade at his 11 year old daughter. What more could I add to that?

Baldwin's breakdown continues with this bit of news from Drudge on a Friday appearance with the gang at The View:
During the session, to air Friday, Baldwin apologized for his tirade against his daughter.

He also explained how he wants out of the TV business:

"I have been in the business for over 27 years and I don't care if I do anything else in TV ever again."

Baldwin left CREATIVE ARTISTS AGENCY on Monday. No reason for the split was provided.

I'm guessing that CAA left him, figuring him to be damaged goods after that phone call, and chances are NBC is having the same thoughts regarding his role on their show.

He had threatened to leave the country before - maybe now would be a good time.

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