HolyCoast: Breck Girl Runs From Fox News...Again
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Saturday, April 07, 2007

Breck Girl Runs From Fox News...Again

John Edwards is absolutely panicked at the thought of having to debate on Fox News. He was the first to run screaming from the Nevada debate, and now he's pulled out of the September debate sponsored by the Congressional Black Caucus...just because it will be televised on Fox:
Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards on Friday pulled out of a second debate co-hosted by Fox News Channel, saying the cable network has a conservative slant.

The Edwards campaign said it will not attend the Sept. 23 debate hosted by Fox News and the Congressional Black Caucus Institute, but officials added that Edwards will participate in a different debate hosted by the institute and CNN.

"We believe there's just no reason for Democrats to give Fox a platform to advance the right-wing agenda while pretending they're objective," said Jonathan Prince, Edwards' deputy campaign manager.

Why would we want to entrust the leadership of our nation to someone who's afraid to take questions from a conservative journalist? What's he going to do when Iran, North Korea, Russia, or who knows what other foreign country start creating problems for him...run to CNN?

If there was any doubt that the wacky left blogs are now running the Dem party, this should remove those doubts. Watch for the other candidates to bail out soon as well. And to Fox News viewers, who come from both parties, the Dems that won't appear on Fox don't want your vote, so don't feel you have to give it to them. Find somebody with some courage.

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