HolyCoast: Giuliani's Wife Hates Puppies!
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Monday, April 02, 2007

Giuliani's Wife Hates Puppies!

Not really, but that's the tone of the reporting on a story about Mrs. Giuliani and her past employment with a medical supply company:
April 2, 2007 -- Judith Giuliani once demonstrated surgical products for a controversial medical-supply company that used dogs - which were later killed - in operations whose only purpose was to sell equipment to doctors, The Post has learned.

"It was a horribly cruel, outrageous program," Friends of Animals President Priscilla Feral said about the demonstrations of medical staplers on dogs conducted by U.S. Surgical Corp. employees during Giuliani's tenure there in the late 1970s.

Feral said U.S. Surgical's demonstrations on hundreds of dogs each year through the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s were done to boost sales, not for medical research or testing.

The dogs were "either put to death following the sales demonstrations because they can't recover from them, or they die during them," Feral said.

I'll bet she has a coat made out of dalmations, too.

The Mrs. hasn't been much help to the campaign in the past few days. First, Rudy suggested that she would be invited to attend cabinet meetings (horrors - shades of Hillary!), and now the puppy-murderer story. Such is campaigning in America these days.

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