HolyCoast: Here's One Brit Unhappy With His Majesty's Sailors
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Monday, April 02, 2007

Here's One Brit Unhappy With His Majesty's Sailors

John Derbyshire is a Brit living in the U.S. (and writing for National Review) who is not happy with his countrymen:
“15 British Agressors [sic] must be EXECUTED.” That was the placard being held up by some beetle-browed Iranian outside the British Embassy in Tehran. Well, I don’t entirely disagree. I certainly think that those British captives who have let themselves be put forward on Iranian TV, that woman wearing a headscarf, and the young man apologizing to the Iranian gangster-rulers, should be court-martialed for dereliction of duty when they get back to Blighty, with shooting definitely an option.

How on earth can Britons behave like that? A previous generation would not have done so. I knew the women of my mother’s generation pretty well (Mum was born in 1912), and I am certain that any one of them, given that headscarf and told to put it on, would have said: “You can hang me with it if you like, but I’ll be damned if I’ll wear the filthy thing.” The men likewise. What on earth has happened to the British?

There's a lot more, including the story of a British sailor executed during the Opium Wars. Read it here.

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