HolyCoast: Imus Not Going Quietly
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Thursday, April 12, 2007

Imus Not Going Quietly

Don Imus, who has little left to lose after the politically correct forces have managed to strip him of his TV show and most of his major advertisers, is not going quietly into the night. He's fighting back, and his first target is Al Sharpton, the Harlem Charlatan who has led the crusade against him. Imus asks a very good question: When will Sharpton apologize to the Duke players?

Drudge also has this chilling statement from Rev. Al:
SHARPTON VOWS MORE: 'It is our feeling that this is only the beginning. We must have a broad discussion on what is permitted and not permitted in terms the airwaves'
So Rev. Al "White Interlopers" Sharpton is going to be the determiner of what's okay what's not on the airwaves? Just watch - the Imus episode will soon be used by the Dems to push the new Fairness Doctrine on radio. They will claim they want to clean up racism and bigotry on the airwaves, but the real agenda will be to silence opposing views by demanding that radio station owners "balance" their programming and include equal parts liberal and conservative talk...a recipe for bankruptcy.

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