HolyCoast: While We're Flashing Back to the 60's...
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Thursday, April 12, 2007

While We're Flashing Back to the 60's...

Let's do the '68 Democratic Convention in Chicago again:

The Democrats' choice of Denver to anoint their presidential nominee in 2008 has stirred up angst among unions, one of the party's core groups, because of Colorado's reputation as an unfriendly place for organized labor. ...

Last month, the AFL-CIO threatened to force Democrats to abandon Denver after Colorado's Democratic Gov. Bill Ritter vetoed a bill making it easier to set up all-union workplaces. "Unless we can be assured that the governor will support our values and priorities, we will strongly urge the Democratic Party to relocate the convention," said the AFL-CIO's executive council.

Teamsters President James Hoffa chimed in last week, injecting himself into a conversation between Ritter and Sweeney at a Washington, D.C., dinner to say they would "blow up" Denver with picketing and protests if union issues didn't get worked out.

I don't really think the unions will risk messing up the Democrats big party. There will be lots of bluffing and huffing for now, but when Big Labor realizes the Dems are committed to Denver and it's going to happen with or without them, they'll call off the attack dogs. They won't want to alienate their biggest fans.

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