HolyCoast: McCain Scrambling in Wake of Fundraising Shortfall
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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

McCain Scrambling in Wake of Fundraising Shortfall

The Q1 fundraising numbers for presidential aspirants did not come out well for John McCain, and according to Drudge, his campaign is scrambling:
Lagging behind his opponents in fundraising and under fire for his support for the war in Iraq, Sen. John McCain moved Tuesday to shake up his presidential campaign.

NYT's Adam Nagourney is set to detail the behind-the-scenes action, newsroom sources tell the DRUDGE REPORT.

McCain is revamping his campaign finance effort, including adopting big-dollar fundraising techniques pioneered by President Bush, and is delaying his official campaign announcement in order to deliver what his aides said would be a major speech seeking to explain his support for President Bush's policies in Iraq.

The change in course by McCain's campaign comes at a time of "sharp anxiety triggered among McCain's supporters following the release of numbers showing him trailing both his competitors in raising money. These changes also come as polls show continued unease with McCain among Republicans."
It's not a bold prediction, but McCain will never be the GOP nominee. He has too much baggage that will weigh down his chances with both conservatives and other Republicans.

It looks like McCain-Feingold is succeeding in taking the money out of politics. At least it's doing a good job of taking money out of McCain's campaign.

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