HolyCoast: War at the Crawford Peace House
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Sunday, April 08, 2007

War at the Crawford Peace House

Peaceniks can get pretty cranky when you get then all together, such as in Cindy Sheehan's Crawford "Peace" House:
With allegations of money mismanagement, threats of court action and some members leaving, a group that has sponsored war protests in President Bush's adopted hometown has been anything but peaceful.

The Crawford Peace House recently lost its corporate charter with the state, and a former member who now has rights to the name is threatening legal action because the group continues operating.

Sara L. Oliver and some others are calling for a state investigation as to why only $14,700 is now in its bank account, saying tens of thousands donated during Cindy Sheehan's 2005 war protest are unaccounted for.

"There are people who have said, `Don't say anything because you'll hurt the peace movement,'" Oliver said. "But if the peace movement isn't pure and transparent and holy as it can be at its heart, then it's just like George Bush: lying, thieving, conniving, backstabbing bastards."

If there's a collection of adjectives that don't describe today's peace movement it's "pure, transparent and holy". Some smart operator has obviously figured out that these people are a bunch of saps and has robbed them blind. That somehow seems appropriate.

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