HolyCoast: Amazing Train Story in L.A.
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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Amazing Train Story in L.A.

A guy apparently tried to kill his girlfriend by abandoning her in a car on a railroad crossing. It didn't work out the way he thought it would:

A man tried to kill his girlfriend Monday by parking their car in front of a speeding Metrolink commuter train, but instead died when debris from the crash struck him after he had been ejected from the car, police said.

His girlfriend, who was in the car when the train slammed into the vehicle's passenger side, was seriously injured but is expected to survive....

Some witnesses told police that Funches appeared to have jumped out of the Dodge just as the train hit the vehicle. But police believe that he was ejected from the car when the train hit it — perhaps while trying to leave the vehicle. The impact sent metal debris flying, with some of the pieces fatally wounding Funches as he was running away, Sands said.

Detectives believe that Funches placed the car on the tracks with the passenger side facing the train in hopes of killing his girlfriend.

Not many people survive a direct impact with a train, especially one going 79 mph which is the usual speed in that area. I'm also glad the gods of justice were on duty to direct some of the debris toward the wannabe killer.

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