HolyCoast: A Night In Jail Might Have Saved This Guy
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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

A Night In Jail Might Have Saved This Guy

I'll bet the cops will be rethinking their DUI policy after this one:
A driver who was stopped for speeding and tested over the legal limit for blood-alcohol content, but was not arrested, was killed less than three hours later Monday when his car hit a tree, according to police.

Janesville police records indicate that Jason Stacy, 29, was seen speeding and driving erratically downtown shortly after 1 a.m.

According to an analysis of police records by WISC-TV in Madison, Stacy was stopped and given a Breathalyzer test that indicated a blood-alcohol level of 0.12 percent. The legal limit in Wisconsin is 0.08.

Stacy was ticketed for imprudent speed and failing to stay in the center of his lane. The officer didn't arrest Stacy but did prevent him from driving until a friend picked him up, the television station reported.

Around 3:45 a.m., Stacy's car hit a tree and burst into flames, deputies said. Stacy, who was alone and not wearing a seatbelt, was found about 50 feet away.

I smell a lawsuit coming...

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