HolyCoast: Clinton/Obama Dance to Wacky Left Tune
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Friday, May 25, 2007

Clinton/Obama Dance to Wacky Left Tune

Is there any doubt that the Senate Democrats currently running for President are petrified of the wacky antiwar left? Not after this vote:
WASHINGTON - Courting the anti-war constituency, Democratic presidential rivals Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama (news, bio, voting record) both voted against legislation that pays for the Iraq war but lacks a timeline for troop withdrawal.

"I fully support our troops" but the measure "fails to compel the president to give our troops a new strategy in Iraq," said Clinton, a New York senator.

"Enough is enough," Obama, an Illinois senator, declared, adding that President Bush should not get "a blank check to continue down this same, disastrous path."

Their votes Thursday night continued a shift in position for the two presidential hopefuls, both of whom began the year shunning a deadline for a troop withdrawal.

On a vote of 80-14, the Senate cleared the measure and sent it to Bush.

That quote by Obama is almost verbatim what you'll find on any wacky left blog you want to read. Both Clinton and Obama are desperately afraid of losing the support of the left - so much so they feel it's safer to claim to support the troops while voting to cut off their funding than to risk the ire of the lefties by voting for the funding bill.

Profiles in courage.

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