HolyCoast: Constitution Protects Dog Doo as Free Speech
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Saturday, May 26, 2007

Constitution Protects Dog Doo as Free Speech

Certainly there's plenty of bull excrement flying around Washington, but a court in Colorado has declared a dog doo gift to a local politician to be protected speech:
A jury in northeastern Colorado has ruled that a pile of dog doo left in the entrance of the office of U.S. Rep. Marilyn Musgrave, R-Colo., was protected political speech, acquitting a critic of the congresswoman who admitted dumping the load.

"In Colorado the courts and jury have now made dog crap a right of freedom of speech. I can't wait to be able to use this now," said an anonymous commenter on the Free Republic website.

According to a report in the Greeley Tribune, a Weld County jury found Kathy Ensz, a 64-year-old retired university professor, innocent of charges for depositing, the, well, deposit.

"Democrats are ALWAYS dumping figurative doodoo on Republicans. So, now a judge says the literal expression is legal? Hmmmmm… wonder if I could talk the local septic truck operator into dumping the contents on Pelosi's office doorstep," another participant in the comment forum said. "In the name of political free speech, of course…"

Hey, it's organic and environmentally friendly - something every Democrat would love.

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