HolyCoast: D.C. Madams for Hillary!
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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

D.C. Madams for Hillary!

First we had Porn Stars for Hillary, and now D.C. Madams for Hillary:

Now, we learn that another, um, Taboo Titleholder backs the New York senator’s White House ambitions: Deborah Jeane Palfrey, aka, the “D.C. Madam.”

Yeas & Nays tracked down Palfrey following her appearance at Nathans of Georgetown’s “Q&A Cafe” Tuesday (where she described herself as a “conservative Democrat”) and inquired into the politics of this former escort service owner.

Palfrey admitted that she’s pulling for Hillary in 2008. “I think she’s great,” she said. “She’s bright and articulate.”

But is she clean?

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