HolyCoast: Even Mexicans Don't Like the Immigration Bill
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Friday, May 18, 2007

Even Mexicans Don't Like the Immigration Bill

What does it say about the immigration bill that both conservatives and Mexican nationals don't like it?
MONTERREY, Mexico - Congress' new immigration plan was bad news for tens of thousands of poor Mexicans who depend on a U.S. guestworker program for temporary jobs in agriculture and other seasonal work, such as landscaping and construction.

Millions of would-be migrants have been holding tight to President Bush's promise that they could one day apply for temporary visas to get a glimpse of the American dream.

At the U.S. Consulate in Monterrey, which hands out more temporary visas than any other consulate or embassy in the world, Edmundo Bermudez, a 36-year-old from the northern city of Durango, said the plan rewards those who have already entered the United States illegally, while shutting out those who stayed home hoping to gain legal passage.

We're rewarding the lawbreakers and punishing the law-abiders. Nicely done, McCain-Kennedy.