HolyCoast: Live Aid Promoter Rips Live Earth Promoter
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Monday, May 14, 2007

Live Aid Promoter Rips Live Earth Promoter

Bob Geldof, who actually accomplished some good with his Live Aid concerts in the 80's, is critical of Al Gore and his Live Earth effort coming this July:
Bob Geldof, who organized the Live Aid and Live 8 benefit concerts, criticized the Live Earth music events former U.S. vice-president Al Gore is putting together this summer, saying they lack a specific goal, according to a Dutch newspaper report Saturday.

The Live Earth concerts will be held in cities around the world on July 7, with proceeds funding a yet-to-be-named foundation to combat climate change, under Mr. Gore's direction.

The shows will take place in London; New York; Tokyo; Shanghai, China; Johannesburg, South Africa; Sydney, Australia; and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Organizers have also promised an event in Antarctica.

“I hope they're a success,” De Volkskrant newspaper quoted Mr. Geldof as saying in an interview.

“But why is (Gore) actually organizing them? To make us aware of the greenhouse effect? Everybody's known about that problem for years. We are all (expletive) conscious of global warming,” he said.

Exactly. What does Gore intend to happen in the wake of the concerts? Will they solve anything? Provide any information that was previously unknown? Nope. It's just a feel good Gore ego-fest, full of sound and fury, and signifying nothing.

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