HolyCoast: Nothing More Awful Than Polygamy?
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Friday, May 11, 2007

Nothing More Awful Than Polygamy?

Mitt Romney is getting more and more questions about his Mormon faith, and on Sunday he'll appear on 60 minutes to promote his candidacy. Mike Wallace decided to ask about the Mormon faiths history with polygamy and Romney gave a curious answer:
Romney acknowledges that voters may have a problem with his religion's history of polygamy. "That's part of the history of the church's past that I understand is troubling to people," he says. The practice, outlawed before 1900, is equally troubling to him. "I have a great-great grandfather. They were trying to build a generation out there in the desert and so he took additional wives as he was told to do. And I must admit, I can't image anything more awful than polygamy," he tells Wallace.

He can't imagine anything more awful than polygamy? That seems like a poorly thought out response given that anybody could probably think of hundreds of things more awful than polygamy (such as Hillary Clinton presidency).

Scott Ott has his own take on Romney's defense of his faith: Romney: 'Kooky Mormon Beliefs' Won’t Affect Presidency

Read it.

And from the extreme evangelical right: 'Vote for Romney is vote for Satan'

Wow, Romney is Beelzebub himself. I wouldn't have guess that.

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