HolyCoast: Amnesty Bills Threatened by Defectors
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Thursday, June 28, 2007

Amnesty Bills Threatened by Defectors

The Senate amnesty bill drew 64 votes the other day to continue on, but some of those votes are now defecting or wavering, which means this morning's vote could be the end of the road for amnesty:
June 27 (Bloomberg) -- The fate of U.S. immigration legislation was cast into doubt when at least six senators who helped revive the proposed overhaul said they either oppose or are leaning against a move to permit a vote on final passage.
The measure is in more jeopardy ``than I thought a few hours ago,'' said Senator Christopher Dodd, a Connecticut Democrat.

The supporters' strategy of disposing of amendments that threatened the legislation's bipartisan support hit a procedural snag late in the day, adding to the uncertainty. The Senate refused to set aside an amendment by Montana Democrats Max Baucus and Jon Tester that would dilute requirements employers verify the identity of new workers.

Under Senate rules, Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Nevada Democrat, now can't move to consider other provisions without getting the consent of all 100 senators.

``I think this hurts'' the measure, said Texas Republican John Cornyn, an opponent.

Earlier today, Senate sponsors had succeeded in killing a series of proposed changes that would undermine the measure's support. Nonetheless, senators who voted yesterday to resume consideration of the bill were withdrawing support.

Leaning Against

Republicans Richard Burr of North Carolina and Christopher Bond of Missouri and Democrat Ben Nelson of Nebraska said they oppose permitting a vote on final passage. Virginia Democrat Jim Webb and Republicans John Ensign of Nevada and Pete Domenici of New Mexico said they were leaning that way.

It takes 60 votes, or three-fifths of the Senate, to shut off debate. Yesterday, the Senate voted 64-35 to permit debate to resume.

Five other senators who voted to resume the debate said they are undecided on the next procedural test. They are Republicans Ted Stevens and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Judd Gregg of New Hampshire and Democrats Jeff Bingaman of New Mexico and Mark Pryor of Arkansas.

Let's hope the amendment shenanigans from yesterday will have scared off some of the Republicans who voted for cloture. If not, I hope they enjoy their time in the Senate since the Republican voters in their states will abandon them the next time their names are on the ballot.

UPDATE: Captain Ed is liveblogging the vote. It looks like there will be enough defections to kill the bill.

UPDATE 2: From Drudge...FLASH: Senate switchboard has been shut down due to overwhelming calls: Sen. Sessions

UPDATE 3: From Captain Ed...Arlen Specter believes that people who call and e-mail Senators do not represent America. Not coincidentally, only 14% of American people think Congress represents America.

UPDATE 4: Bill dies 46-53 with many defections.

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