HolyCoast: Pelosi Kissing Up to the Angry Left
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Thursday, June 28, 2007

Pelosi Kissing Up to the Angry Left

San Fran Nan doesn't want the angry left to think she doesn't still love them, so she's doing what she can to appear tough and kiss up to the lefties:
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is working hard to make sure that the fiery liberal wing of the Democratic Party remembers that she is one of them. She is also going out of her way to reassure opponents of the war that she is on their side.

Her efforts are taking place in speeches and interviews off Capitol Hill and away from the constraints and compromises inherent in running the House. Liberal lawmakers and activists accuse Pelosi of being too cautious.

Now, with Congress’s approval rating plummeting following its passage of an Iraq war-spending bill without a troop-withdrawal timeline, the Speaker is signaling that Democrats will be more forceful in challenging the president.

Pelosi is in a no-win situation, because anything she does that isn't the type of hysterical reaction the left loves will surely sent them into tantrums. That's what happens when you try to be friends with crazy people.

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