HolyCoast: The Blubbering Rich Girl
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Saturday, June 09, 2007

The Blubbering Rich Girl

Since the news yesterday was pretty much "all Paris, all the time" I couldn't get away without at least one more post on the subject. Before she left her house I heard various entertainment reporters declaring how this latest "back to court" episode would just make her more famous and popular. That was before she was pictured sobbing in the back of a cop car and the reports came out that she cried throughout the hearing and screamed for her mom as she was being led off to the pokey. This girl may have starred in "The Simple Life", but to me she apparently possesses "The Simple Mind".

When your world consists of people fawning over you and making exceptions to the rules just for you, to end up in handcuffs and the back of a patrol car while the paparazzi who made you a star exult in your humiliation must be pretty shocking. From that standpoint it's hard not to feel a little sorry for her. Her world just came crashing down (though for only 45 days or so - less time than a summer in the Hamptons). I don't think, however, she did herself any P.R. good with all the blubbering. People will never look at her the same way again. Every time they see her posing on a red carpet somewhere, in the back of their minds they'll see the distraught arrestee.

Jules Crittendon has some thoughts on the world in which these celebutantes are brought up:

I may be a heartless bastard, and a tabloid vulture to boot. But like the lefties like to say about murderers, rapists, etc., society made her what she is. High society, in her case.

Anyway, I feel bad for her. How can you look at anyone piteously sobbing on her way to jail and not feel bad for her, when her crime is not sticking a knife in someone, raping someone’s grandmother, holding anyone up at gunpoint or stealing their life’s savings, but essentially failing to figure out that the rules apply to her. Sort of like how I feel bad for the trainwrecks that are Britney and Lindsay, who are more specifically victims of adults who felt they had to share their little darling’s talent with the world, maybe wanted to live vicariously through their little darling’s accomplishments and make a pile off their darling little asses.

Anyway, drunk driving kills, she did the crime, she has to do the time. Life just got a whole lot simpler than Paris Hilton probably ever expected.
Jules then goes on in his post to show how the left is connecting the Hilton saga to President Bush and Gitmo. It's a wild stretch, but they're somehow able to do it.

The L.A. County Sheriff didn't exactly come out of this well either. He claims there is compelling medical proof that required the early release, but can't release that information to the press (because of privacy concerns). There was also supposed to be medical evidence given to the judge, but that evidence was never provided. Something's fishy with the LASO. I think they may have had a bad case of CCD (Celebrity Coddling Disorder).

I'll guarantee you that this story is not over. There are still plenty of people with explaining to do.

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