HolyCoast: Bush Lays a Little Texan On the Pope
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Saturday, June 09, 2007

Bush Lays a Little Texan On the Pope

The world media is aghast that our president acted like himself when meeting with the Pope:
Vatican City - US President George W Bush drew gasps at the Vatican on Saturday by referring to Pope Benedict XVI as "sir" instead of the expected "His Holiness", pool reporters said.

They could clearly hear the US leader say "Yes, sir" when the pope asked him if he was going to meet with officials of the lay Catholic Sant'Egidio community at the US embassy later during his visit.

A handful of pool reporters were on hand as Benedict greeted Bush at the door of his private library ahead of a private audience of about half an hour.

On his way to see the 80-year-old pontiff, the US leader apparently recognised someone he knew, and could be heard greeting the person with a casual "How ya doin'?"

The pool reporters also noted Bush's relaxed posture, crossing his legs "Texan style" while facing the pope across his desk in the private study of the apostolic palace.

I think it's hilarious that the media thinks this is such a big deal. Saying "sir" is a sign of respect in Texas, and frankly, I just can't see Bush calling anyone "your holiness". His casual relaxed style is who he is and not an act put on for the press.

Let's not forget - the Pope may be the head of the Roman Catholic church, but he's not a deity. He puts his holy underwear on one leg at a time.

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